Tag: huzzah

  • Alphabet of Embers contributor copy

    I’ve been quiet on the blog front, but for a pretty good reason, I think: all through August, I’ve been hard at work revising my novel. I’ll post more on that later, but for now, a bit of squee! Last week I received my contributor copy of An Alphabet of Embers. My reaction: It is…

  • “Creation” out in Flash Fiction Online

    I’m happy to announce that my flash piece “Creation” is now out in the August issue of Flash Fiction Online. You can read it here: Creation It’s a story of Faerie, with an emphasis on language and Welsh things. I’ve visited the Welsh castle referred to in “Creation” myself, a few times: it’s a majestic…

  • “Water, Birch, and Blood” out in Strange Horizons!

    My story “Water, Birch, and Blood” is now out in Strange Horizons! It’s a portal fantasy (of sorts) with a queer female couple, set in a Finnish summer cabin. Birds, birches, quiet magic. Water, Birch, and Blood Featuring beautiful art by O Horvath! “Water, Birch, and Blood” is also available in podcast form here, read…

  • An Alphabet of Embers is out!

    An Alphabet of Embers is now out in print form! Yaaay! I’ve read AoE as an e-ARC, and while I am obviously biased, I’m also just stunned by how awesome this anthology is. The wonderful Rose Lemberg and the editorial team have done such a great job in arranging these strange tales, like a variety…

  • Poem in Abyss & Apex!

    So I think I forgot to announce the sale, but – my short poem “After Selling Your Soul to the Trickster God” is now up in the newest issue of Abyss & Apex! Read it here! This short poem was born this past January. I wanted to get across a sense of movement and dance…

  • Story sale to Strange Horizons

    I’m delighted to announce that I’ve sold a story to Strange Horizons: “Water, Birch, and Blood” will be appearing in SH’s special issue Our Queer Planet. “Water, Birch, and Blood” is about family, memory, and loss; it’s got echoes of my own memories in it, through the setting (a Finnish summer cabin). I can’t wait…

  • Story sale to Flash Fiction Online

    Sooo this was official already last week and I squeed about it on Twitter but did not have time to post here: I’ve sold a story to Flash Fiction Online! My faerie story “Creation” will be out this summer. This is my second pro fiction sale – the first was to An Alphabet of Embers.…

  • Alphabet of Embers review

    An Alphabet of Embers launches this week, at the Nebula Awards! And here’s a lovely review of it, in which the reviewer Christina lists my story “The City Beneath the Sea” among those they particularly appreciated: “Embers maintains a consistent and cohesive feel throughout: it stories are literary and poetic, with a fluidity of style…

  • New poem: “Witch’s Lens” in Polu Texni

    My poem “Witch’s Lens” is out in Polu Texni! Read it here: “My witchery awakens / with the rising season.” I wrote this poem in April 2014, and edited it around a year later based on feedback from my writing group. (Yes, sometimes my poetry progresses veeery slowly, with edits happening ages after the first…

  • An Alphabet of Embers update!

    Aaasdgjhsdg I got my pre-release contributor ebook copy of Alphabet of Embers (ed. by Rose Lemberg)! The official print and ebook launch will be on the Nebula awards weekend, 12-15 May. The book has a Goodreads page already! I just. Incoherence and happiness, right now. I reread my story (it’s in an actual book! along…