Tag: Mari Ness

  • Sunday recs

    I probably should’ve spent this evening recovering from a busy three-day medieval studies conference and a day of active exploring. Instead, I submitted poetry to quite a few places. Not very restful, but useful – I’ve been lax with submitting poetry, or anything really, the past month. * My recs for tonight: Myrrha by Mari…

  • Sunday recs: Fairytales

    Three fairytale-tinged recs for you tonight. First, two tales from Daily Science Fiction, new takes on traditional tales, from points of view forgotten in the originals: Beans and Lies by Mari Ness: an incisive super-short piece with a proper punch at the end. Toadwords by Nathaniel Lee: a tale that really made me think about…

  • Sunday recs: inkscrawl

    inkscrawl is a delightful online publication dedicated to minimalist speculative poetry. The poems in it never fail to delight, and since I loved the newest issue (#7), I wanted to give it a shout-out. Poems I especially enjoyed (but please do read the whole issue – it sings so well as a collection): Queen of…