Delicious fruit

Goblin Fruit never fails to delight me. There are wonderful gems of poetry in each issue, and the Summer 2012 issue is no exception. I just finished making my way through the issue, and wanted to briefly blog about it – there are some really delicious poems there.

The only poets I recognised were Sonya Taaffe (who I should read more of!) and Adrienne J. Odasso (whose work I really enjoy). But the other poets in the Summer issue really impressed me, too. The issue read as a really luscious whole, perfect for summer’s heat (not that we’ve had too much of that here in Helsinki…).

I especially loved the earthy magic of Ruby Sara’s Jacks and Toms. Such word-weaving! Other favourites include Dover Crossing by Edgar Mason (reminds me of the bittersweet time we crossed the Channel when my family moved to Finland in ’96); Tit Tot by Catt Kingsgrave (it’s like a riotous Early Modern garden, wonderful words); Hurricane Ophelia by Melissa Frederick (formal poetry can have such drive and intensity when you do it well); What They Called Me by Adrienne J. Odasso (her words make such sad, beautiful images); and Trumpet Vine Love Song by Francesca Forrest (such a sensual, buzzing summer’s day of a poem).

Sometimes I wonder why I write poetry. Then I read poems like these, and remember again.


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