Sunday recs: anagrams etc.

Here’s a sundry bevy of recs:

If Poets Wrote Poems Whose Titles Were Anagrams of Their Names. Some more here and here. I especially enjoyed Eliot, Dickinson, and William Carlos Williams. The WCW parody made me giggle out loud. ๐Ÿ˜€

Here are a couple of my favourite poems from February’s Snakeskin. Fat by Beccy Pert: such luscious language. And House without Windows by Grace Andreacchi is absolutely gorgeous!

A story: Hwang’s Billion Brilliant Daughters by Alice Sola Kim. A different kind of time travel.

ETA: And some nonfiction too: Eleanor Arnason writes about authenticity, cultural appropriation, and writing outside your own experiences in sf/f.

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Also, today I sat down to write an all-new short story and actually finished the first draft in one go! First prose piece of the year, incidentally. And wonder of wonders, it’s actually short, too. My stories have the tendency to expand, but this one stayed at around 2000 words. Huzzah! It’s about an alchemist bartender, and I rather like it. Perhaps at some point it will be time to submit stories too, not just poems. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Ahaha! I never liked WCW, but this one of “his” was an exception ๐Ÿ˜€ I also like the fact that Dickinson’s punctuation is present (even if I didn’t fancy it in the originals). William Blake also hit the nail in the head – I’m glad my university years have thaught me something about poetry, even if it’s mostly about recognising the most obvious cultural references to poetry.

    Alchemist bartender sounds MEGAGIGA, too! (even if this German girljust told me that you shouldn’t use it on its own but it should modify an adjective. I kinda of knew that, but it’s just more SUPER this way. …see the way I just used the word ‘super’ there? ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) Does s/he turn her customers into gold through drinks? That would be safer than being Midas Rex.

    1. Yeah, I’m not too fond of WCW either, apart from the plum poem. Yes, uni is very useful for learning those cultural references ๐Ÿ˜€

      I’m rather excited about the alchemist bartender, although I’m not sure how megagiga or super it is yet ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. The WCW one made me think of this post ๐Ÿ˜€ This is first time I’ve actually liked his stuff (excluding the anagram thing, of course)

    The T.S. Eliot one is cool. I really like “Wasteland” in general, too. And while I don’t really care for William Blake, the graffiti is nnnnnice! But sadly, not that into the Tolkien ones.

    1. Oh, those are awesome! The T.S. Eliot one… oh so lovely. The William Blake graffiti is sooo much effort, wow! And even though the Tolkien ones aren’t my style, it’s still kinda cool that someone would do that. ๐Ÿ˜€

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