In a moment I’m going to get down to some actual writing – there has to be proper writing on the first day of a new year! But first, a round-up of 2013 and some writing goals/wishes for 2014.
I thought I’d do a list of the writing I’ve done this year. It’s difficult to quantify this stuff, really, because a lot of things are in some stage of unfinishedness, but here’s an estimate:
- 69 poem drafts (not all of them edited or reworked, and some never will be; many have been submitted, and a few of them have got published too!)
- 5 flash fiction pieces (4 finished, 1 still in draft phase)
- 3 stories of <5,000 words (should send a couple of them out; one still needs editing)
- two novelettes (still need final edits before can be sent out)
- one failed attempt at reworking my novel Dim Vanities
- several writing exercises with potential to become more
- 11 poems (list copied from my Publications page):
- 02/13 ‘Kinds of Truth’ in Issue #193 of Snakeskin.
- 03/13 ‘Silver and Gold’ and ‘Man Playing Piazzolla’ in Issue #11 of Curio.
- 06/13 ‘Beauty Remembers’ in Polu Texni.
- 07/13 ‘Wolf Daughter’ in Strange Horizons. Listen to me reading the poem in the SH July Poetry Podcast.
- 08/13 ‘The Understanding’ in Issue #2 of Plunge Magazine.
- 08/13 ‘Boat-husk’ in Issue #4 of Through the Gate.
- 09/13 ‘Bitter Mnemosyne’ in Issue #25 of Niteblade, “Alice Underground”.
- 10/13 ‘Orthography: A Personal History’ in Issue #2 of Interfictions.
- 12/13 ‘Microhistory’ and ‘Rain-washed’ in Issue #203 of Snakeskin.
- 32 poems
- 1 flash fiction piece
- 1 short story
- –> As you can see, I didn’t submit too many stories in 2013!
So, that’s the numbers. Now for some more words:
What pleased me writing-wise:
- The writers’ group I’m in – Helsinki Writers’ Group, for people in this area who write in English – has been really great. It’s been amazing to actually share my stuff live with other writers, and to get to talk about writing with people who get it. It’s brilliant to have a group where constructive criticism actually works. I’ve been able to radically improve so many of my pieces from feedback I’ve got from the group. And of course it’s heartening to have people laugh out loud at the funny bits. ๐ We’ve got a really good, supportive atmosphere, I think. Looking forward to our first meeting of the year this Friday.
- I wrote a surprising amount considering I was quite stressed out for much of the year and had too much on my plate. Extreme yay!
- I got some poems published that are very special to me. The fact that ‘Orthography: A Personal History’ is out there makes me especially happy.
What I was disappointed in:
- As I have mentioned previously, I was disappointed in failing to get a proper edit started for Dim Vanities despite the reasons for my failure being completely understandable.
Now for the 2014 part of this post: the forward-looking, hopeful part. ๐
What are my writing goals for 2014?
My major non-writing goal this year is to apply for a PhD position in my field of English historical linguistics and manuscript studies. However, my freer schedules this spring will hopefully result in more creative writing time too, despite my intended focus on academia. And even if (when!) busyness ensues, writing will always be high on the priority list. Hence, goals – which I may or may not achieve, but it’s better to have some nonetheless, methinks!
Some goals writing-wise (aim high!):
- Get a story published! I’d like to get more than just my poetry out there, since, you know, I am not exclusively a poet. Achieving this goal – in addition to luck and writing well – means getting more stories (especially shorter ones) edited, finished and actually submitted.
- Get more poems published.
- Work on a poetry collection. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while now, and I’ve already got a lot of ideas and some preliminary work done.
- Increase writing output – get back into the groove of writing, preferably every day.
- Rework Dim Vanities and decide what to do with it (whether to continue editing it smaller-scale, or do a total reboot, or just stick it in the trunk).
- Improve my plotting skills.
- Finish more stuff and edit previous work to a submittable point.
I could probably think of tons more goals if I really got to it – there’s always room for improvement and there are plenty of things in my writing that I want to work on. But these are the major goals. I will also work on not stressing out if I don’t manage to fulfil them. With Ye Olde Perfeccionisme, that’s going to be the greatest challenge of all!