‘Shrug Charm’ in Goblin Fruit for your reading pleasure

The Spring 2014 issue of Goblin Fruit is now live! Huzzah!

Read the issue here. It’s full of gorgeous poems – I’m very happy to be amongst such talented company. Wonderful art as always, too. I really love what Paula Friedlander’s done with the bold outlines and lush, 3D colourscapes.

Here’s my poem: ‘Shrug Charm’.

‘Shrug Charm’ was born a couple of years ago when I was working a rather dismal temp job. It was cold in the office and I was glad of the shawl/shrug thing I’d knitted. Sadly, the real-life knitted item is not as magical as in the poem. Then again, it did act as inspiration, it made words happen… so perhaps that yarn does have a magic to it, after all.


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