Three short poems in Snakeskin!

Three of my poems are included in April’s Short Poems issue of Snakeskin:

Read “Pomeranian”, “Lauttasaari Bridge”, and “Human Nature” here!

“Pomeranian” is part of a silly series of dog poems I’ve been writing occasionally, with an emphasis on cuteness and word-play. I really like other people’s dogs (would not have the time or inclination of one of my own). I’m glad to see this little doglet-poem see publication! Also, I absolutely adore the Pom picture that the editor George Simmers has added. 😀 SO CUTE.

“Lauttasaari Bridge” is one of my Helsinki poems, written last summer while – surprise – I was biking across Lauttasaari Bridge, near-ish my home. The sunset was incredible, and thus, I poemed.

“Human Nature” was written in January 2013. I was upset about news of some sort, desperately needed comfort that wasn’t available at that moment.


  1. Also these! I’m pretty sure I haven’t read any of these before and they are just lovely! ‘flufflet’ (heeeeee) and transparent hands and cups of fresh water. Gorgeous all of them, in different ways.

    1. Yeah I think these are all ones you haven’t seen. Glad you enjoyed them, yay! I do love writing really short-short poems.

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