Sunday recs: Liminality

Liminality is a wonderful magazine of speculative poetry. All the issues have been full of really interesting and challenging SFF/genre-bending poetry. Here’s a few special favourites of mine:

The Word for Love by A.J. Odasso, in Issue 1. A.J. is a tremendous poet (with two lovely collections out!) and this poem is gorgeous.

Entwined ‘Neath Stars and Empty Suns by Merc Rustad, in Issue 2. I’ve recommended this before but really it’s just so awesome and space opera that I’m going to rec it again.

Among the Dead by Lev Mirov, in Issue 3. A beautiful ghost story.

A Visit with Morgan le Fay by Sofia Samatar, in Issue 4. A bone-achingly lovely prose poem.

I’m still in the process of reading Issue 5, so let me just recommend the whole issue to you!


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