Sunday recs: Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers

Long time no rec on the blog – I’ve been posting occasional recs on Twitter, but this blog has been quiet.

But now — it’s Mothers’ Day in Finland, and how better to celebrate than by recommending a creepy story?

Alyssa Wong’s Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers (in Nightmare Magazine, originally published in the Queers Destroy Horror! special issue) is an amazing, disturbing story. I don’t usually go for horror, but this story just really works, gave me the chills. The interpersonal relationships (including a mother-daughter relationship) are essential in this. And what a great ending!

“Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers” is also a Nebula, Shirley Jackson, Bram Stoker and Locus Award finalist, so go and read it now if you haven’t already! Alyssa is also (well-deservedly) a finalist for the 2016 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.


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