Author: Sara Norja

  • Sunday recs: Issue 10 of inkscrawl

    Longlong time no recs. I’ve been wandering the fields of exhaustion; the novel project is still ongoing, and I’ve got far too many other things heaped on my plate as well (work, of course, is the main thing). The novel progresses; but I’m annoyed at myself for being slower with it than I expected, annoyed…

  • “Bird People” out in Remixt

    The first volume of the exciting magazine Remixt is now out! The volume consists of nine small issues curated by different editors drawing from the same submissions pool. It was thus possible for a poem to be picked for more than one issue. Interestingly, there isn’t that much overlap! You can read more about this…

  • New poem “Taboo” in Strange Horizons

    My poem “Taboo” is up in this week’s issue of Strange Horizons! Read it here! As the northern days lengthen our time together is thread-thin It’s about fairytale taboos and transformation, set in a mythological-Finland-ish world. In fact, it’s the same world where my previous Strange Horizons poems are set (“Wolf Daughter” and “Raw Honey”),…

  • Alphabet of Embers contributor copy

    I’ve been quiet on the blog front, but for a pretty good reason, I think: all through August, I’ve been hard at work revising my novel. I’ll post more on that later, but for now, a bit of squee! Last week I received my contributor copy of An Alphabet of Embers. My reaction: It is…

  • “Creation” out in Flash Fiction Online

    I’m happy to announce that my flash piece “Creation” is now out in the August issue of Flash Fiction Online. You can read it here: Creation It’s a story of Faerie, with an emphasis on language and Welsh things. I’ve visited the Welsh castle referred to in “Creation” myself, a few times: it’s a majestic…

  • Refilling the well

    I thought I’d do a lot of writing during my summer holiday. But alas, I reckoned without the intensity and busyness of that holiday – and my need for physical, simple things, instead of brainwork. So yeah, it’s been wonderful, but I haven’t been writing much. I started a new short story, have some poem…

  • “Water, Birch, and Blood” out in Strange Horizons!

    My story “Water, Birch, and Blood” is now out in Strange Horizons! It’s a portal fantasy (of sorts) with a queer female couple, set in a Finnish summer cabin. Birds, birches, quiet magic. Water, Birch, and Blood Featuring beautiful art by O Horvath! “Water, Birch, and Blood” is also available in podcast form here, read…

  • Sunday recs: Hopeful fiction

    The world’s been an awful place lately, so I think it’s a good time to read some hopeful fiction. So here are three such stories: Songbird by Shveta Thakrar (in Flash Fiction Online): a gorgeous tale about music and identity, about the freedom to be who you are. Prudence and the Dragon by Zen Cho…

  • An Alphabet of Embers is out!

    An Alphabet of Embers is now out in print form! Yaaay! I’ve read AoE as an e-ARC, and while I am obviously biased, I’m also just stunned by how awesome this anthology is. The wonderful Rose Lemberg and the editorial team have done such a great job in arranging these strange tales, like a variety…

  • Poem in Abyss & Apex!

    So I think I forgot to announce the sale, but – my short poem “After Selling Your Soul to the Trickster God” is now up in the newest issue of Abyss & Apex! Read it here! This short poem was born this past January. I wanted to get across a sense of movement and dance…