Author: Sara Norja
Long time no post. It’s been a ridiculously busy year so far, and sadly, due to the mountain of work, I haven’t been writing nearly as much as I’d like. I joined Camp Nanowrimo with the intent to get lots of my novel revised, but alas, I’ve had to conserve energy for self-care and such.…
New poem: “Witch’s Lens” in Polu Texni
My poem “Witch’s Lens” is out in Polu Texni! Read it here: “My witchery awakens / with the rising season.” I wrote this poem in April 2014, and edited it around a year later based on feedback from my writing group. (Yes, sometimes my poetry progresses veeery slowly, with edits happening ages after the first…
Sunday recs: poetry from the classroom
I’m teaching a literature tutorial this spring, and in our final class on poetry, I made my students read some speculative poetry. I wanted them to see that poetry can involve any genre, and be more than just the classic (and wonderful!) stuff we’ve been reading. So here are the poems from newer writers that…
Poem sale to Strange Horizons
“Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” she chortled in her joy. So yeah, I’ve sold a poem to Strange Horizons! Huzzah! “Taboo” will appear this summer. It’s got a fox in it. I’m intensely happy about this, my first poetry sale of 2016. I love SH so much. This will be my third poem appearing in…