Tag: c.s.e. cooney

  • Sunday recs: Bone Swans

    I just finished Bone Swans, a collection of stories by C.S.E. Cooney – very highly recommended! A great collection of stories, poetry singing along with the narrative (and often included, too, to dazzling effect). C.S.E. Cooney’s writing just has this amazing energy and panache to it. I love it. How they’re written – the juicy,…

  • Sunday recs: cuteness, mythology and pirates

    I was just making a start on editing my upcoming Finnish short story as per the editor’s suggestions – very good suggestions! I love it when someone reads your work and points out possible things to improve and you’re like yesssss this will make it so much better. Now for recs before I go to…

  • Strange Horizons Fund Drive 2014

    Long time no blog! I’ve had an amazing although exhausting time of it lately, what with a trip to the UK to look at medieval manuscripts, plus two conference things. I was totally exhausted when I came home today, but then I ended up submitting several stories and poems anyway… Relaxation, so hard sometimes. Anyway!…

  • Sunday recs: Fairytale, memory loss, alien chess

    Three awesome stories for you this Sunday. How the Milkmaid Struck a Bargain With the Crooked One by C.S.E. Cooney (in Giganotosaurus). Gaaaah, this story made me have all the feelings. It’s long, but it’s SO worth it – what a treat to sink into a world like this. (Incidentally, it’s a sequel of sorts…

  • Sunday recs: Two poems

    Two poems for this sun-warm Sunday. ‘Song for an Ancient City’ by Amal El-Mohtar (in Mythic Delirium): gorgeous, makes me feel the sand and spices, the heat of the sun. ‘The Sea King’s Second Bride’ by C.S.E. Cooney (in a 2010 issue of Goblin Fruit). For me, the poem works more magic as a performance:…

  • Sunday recs: Happy-making stuff

    It’s still Sunday even though it’s past midnight, since I haven’t gone to bed yet, right? Here’s three recs that I hope will make you feel as fuzzy inside as they made me: Turnover by Jo Walton (at Lightspeed Magazine): beautiful, optimistic SF set in a spaceship called Speranza (the name isn’t subtle and I…