Tag: Merc Rustad
Sunday recs: Liminality
Liminality is a wonderful magazine of speculative poetry. All the issues have been full of really interesting and challenging SFF/genre-bending poetry. Here’s a few special favourites of mine: The Word for Love by A.J. Odasso, in Issue 1. A.J. is a tremendous poet (with two lovely collections out!) and this poem is gorgeous. Entwined ‘Neath…
Drive-by Sunday recs
It’s technically not Sunday any more here, but I haven’t gone to bed yet, so this totally counts. Three poems I’ve loved lately: Entwined ‘Neath Stars and Empty Suns by Merc Rustad (in Liminality): A romantic, visionary space opera. Great stuff. I want more space opera poetry! Red Daughter by Alena Sullivan (in Goblin Fruit):…