Tag: recs

  • Strange Horizons Fund Drive 2014

    Long time no blog! I’ve had an amazing although exhausting time of it lately, what with a trip to the UK to look at medieval manuscripts, plus two conference things. I was totally exhausted when I came home today, but then I ended up submitting several stories and poems anyway… Relaxation, so hard sometimes. Anyway!…

  • Sunday recs: Two stories from DSF

    My PhD studies have kept me busy, but I’ve still made time for reading and writing fiction, too. For what is life without writing and reading? No, seriously, I don’t quite understand people who don’t read for fun. It’s just SO AWESOME. Anyway, here’s two short stories that I’ve enjoyed during the past week, both…

  • Sunday recs: Fairytale, memory loss, alien chess

    Three awesome stories for you this Sunday. How the Milkmaid Struck a Bargain With the Crooked One by C.S.E. Cooney (in Giganotosaurus). Gaaaah, this story made me have all the feelings. It’s long, but it’s SO worth it – what a treat to sink into a world like this. (Incidentally, it’s a sequel of sorts…

  • Sunday recs: Strange stuff

    Three strange stories for you this Sunday. Seven Commentaries on an Imperfect Land by Ruthanna Emrys (at Tor.com). A haunting, weird story about a magic land that exists in the interstices of life, and the people who live in it. Gorgeous illustrations too. Speaking to Skull Kings by Emily B. Cataneo (at Betwixt Magazine). The…

  • Sunday recs: Two poems

    Two poems for this sun-warm Sunday. ‘Song for an Ancient City’ by Amal El-Mohtar (in Mythic Delirium): gorgeous, makes me feel the sand and spices, the heat of the sun. ‘The Sea King’s Second Bride’ by C.S.E. Cooney (in a 2010 issue of Goblin Fruit). For me, the poem works more magic as a performance:…

  • Sunday recs: Happy-making stuff

    It’s still Sunday even though it’s past midnight, since I haven’t gone to bed yet, right? Here’s three recs that I hope will make you feel as fuzzy inside as they made me: Turnover by Jo Walton (at Lightspeed Magazine): beautiful, optimistic SF set in a spaceship called Speranza (the name isn’t subtle and I…

  • Sunday recs: Everything Martha Wells has ever written

    I was introduced to Martha Wells’ books earlier this year through this squee post by Kate Elliott (whose work I love, as I’ve mentioned before on this blog). I’m so glad I discovered Martha Wells! I’ve been reading everything of hers that I’ve been able to get my hands on. Wells is an amazing worldbuilder…

  • Sunday recs: Diversity in SFF

    I just listened to a great episode of Tor.com’s Rocket Talk, with Kate Elliott and N.K. Jemisin discussing reader, writer, and publisher bias. So great to hear two intelligent writers talking about this stuff! Kate Elliott is one of my absolute favourite writers these days, and I also admire and agree with her thoughts about…

  • Long Hidden – a brief review

    I recently finished reading the anthology I got this May – Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History. Here’s how the editors (Rose Fox and Daniel José Older) describe it: There is a long and honorable legacy of literary resistance to erasure. This anthology partakes of that legacy. It will feature stories from…

  • (Kinda) Sunday recs

    It’s past midnight but I’m still calling this Sunday recs because I haven’t gone to bed yet. Days, this is how they work. I’ve been good and gone to sleep before 1am for the past couple of nights, but it’s not going to happen today. But for a good reason: I’ve spent six hours editing…