Tag: strange horizons

  • “Birch Daughter” out in Fireside!

    Tuesday was a happy day — my story “Birch Daughter” appeared in the wondrous Fireside Magazine. You can read “Birch Daughter” here! If you like Finnish-inspired folklore, forests, bears, and queer women, this one’s for you. Fireside describes it as “a magical short story about where the search for heart and home takes us”. My…

  • New poem “Taboo” in Strange Horizons

    My poem “Taboo” is up in this week’s issue of Strange Horizons! Read it here! As the northern days lengthen our time together is thread-thin It’s about fairytale taboos and transformation, set in a mythological-Finland-ish world. In fact, it’s the same world where my previous Strange Horizons poems are set (“Wolf Daughter” and “Raw Honey”),…

  • “Water, Birch, and Blood” out in Strange Horizons!

    My story “Water, Birch, and Blood” is now out in Strange Horizons! It’s a portal fantasy (of sorts) with a queer female couple, set in a Finnish summer cabin. Birds, birches, quiet magic. Water, Birch, and Blood Featuring beautiful art by O Horvath! “Water, Birch, and Blood” is also available in podcast form here, read…

  • Story sale to Strange Horizons

    I’m delighted to announce that I’ve sold a story to Strange Horizons: “Water, Birch, and Blood” will be appearing in SH’s special issue Our Queer Planet. “Water, Birch, and Blood” is about family, memory, and loss; it’s got echoes of my own memories in it, through the setting (a Finnish summer cabin). I can’t wait…

  • Sunday recs: poetry from the classroom

    I’m teaching a literature tutorial this spring, and in our final class on poetry, I made my students read some speculative poetry. I wanted them to see that poetry can involve any genre, and be more than just the classic (and wonderful!) stuff we’ve been reading. So here are the poems from newer writers that…

  • Poem sale to Strange Horizons

    “Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” she chortled in her joy. So yeah, I’ve sold a poem to Strange Horizons! Huzzah! “Taboo” will appear this summer. It’s got a fox in it. I’m intensely happy about this, my first poetry sale of 2016. I love SH so much. This will be my third poem appearing in…

  • Sunday recs: strange bees

    The smallest of recs but an utterly gorgeous one — a tiny story that I just read on Strange Horizons: Telling the Bees by T. Kingfisher. Poetic, strange and utterly wonderful. Such a short read that you’ve no excuse not to feast on its juicy word-goodness right away!

  • Sunday recs: Stories + novels

    Sunday recs! Featuring three delightful short stories, and two excellent novels. Tomorrow When We See the Sun by A. Merc Rustad (in Lightspeed) – a weird and cool space opera. A dark atmosphere but so beautiful. Merc’s worldbuilding is great, and I especially love how they use language. Poetic writing in prose <3 And the…

  • Easter recs

    Other people have written wiser words than me on the Hugo debacle, so I’ll leave that for now (suffice it to say I’m disgusted; here’s a pretty good summary of it). Instead, let’s escape into beautiful words! Three poems for this Easter Sunday: “Seeds” by M Sereno (in Strange Horizons): Oh, this poem calls to…

  • Sunday recs: owls, fragments, pockets

    Just wrote a ~3,000-word story in two hours, yay! With some editing, I think this will be fine for submitting to Lightspeed’s Queers Destroy Science Fiction! special issue. It’s been so long since I came up with a story idea and actually wrote it in this short a time – I got the idea last…