Sunday recs: The Dishonesty of Dreams

Today’s reading recommendation is a poetry collection: The Dishonesty of Dreams by Adrienne J. Odasso.

I’ve been reading Adrienne’s poetry for a long time; I really admire her work so I’d love for other people to find her stuff, too. Here’s my review of The Dishonesty of Dreams (copied from

The Dishonesty of Dreams is a haunting collection filled with lingering sadness and a strange, aching beauty. The cover works really well with the dreamlike, blue feeling of the poems. The poems flow well from one to another, and this collection was really enjoyable to read in a few longer sessions. Some especially amazing poems (that I keep returning to) include “The Still Point of the Turning World”, “Carnal Knowledge”, “Five Times I Lived by Water”, and “Cry Wolf”. Many of the poems in The Dishonesty of Dreams live in the liminal spaces between real life and the imagined – a wonderful place for poetry to exist.

Some of the poems in the collection are also available to read online. Here are some of my favourites, all very different but with Adrienne’s words shining bright:


  1. Thanks for posting this review. I’ve enjoyed her work as well (which is why I’ve reblogged your post). 🙂

    1. She’s such a great poet. 🙂 Thanks for the reblog! Have you read The Dishonesty of Dreams yet?

  2. No I haven’t; however, I’ve read many of her poems in various publications, including the three nominated for the 2014 Rhysling Award. I’ve added this collection to my reading list.

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