“The Ruin” in Luna Station Quarterly

The picture that inspired "The Ruin", by LeiraEnkai
The picture that inspired “The Ruin”, by LeiraEnkai
First actual publication of 2015 – my short story “The Ruin” is now up in Issue 21 of Luna Station Quarterly.

Read it here!

I’m especially pleased that this story has been published, because it’s set in a forest world I’ve been developing for a while. As I think I mentioned here before, my poem “Boat-husk” in Through the Gate is also set in that world. As is my (terrible zero draft of a) 2014 Nanowrimo novel.

“The Ruin” was one of the pieces inspired by the abandoned places pictures that I wrote a post about. In particular, this picture (i.e. the picture above). Sometimes writing exercises become something more!


  1. Travelling is good for something as I finally managed to read this! I loved boat-husk, especially the ending verse. Don’t think I’ve read it before, or at least I don’t remember? The Ruin was intriguing, I can see the bones of some great world building there, shall read the other stories too! A tiny piece of concrit on the prose writing: you sometimes use the same word twice in very short span of text, maybe it gets stuck in the process od writing and then gets repeated? It’s not enough to jar, but it is enough for me to notice it, idk if that’s something you want to look at?

    1. Yaaay, glad you had time to read these! I think I shared “Boat-husk” with just my writing group before sending it off so you probably haven’t read it before. 🙂 I’m glad you like The Ruin – I am really enjoying writing pieces set in that world.

      Thanks so much for the concrit, m’dear, always appreciated! I’ve noticed that problem myself but of course one gets blind to such things eventually – will try to pay special attential to word repetition when editing my stories.

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