Author: Sara Norja

  • “Village Woman” in the new Goblin Fruit!

    Goblin Fruit is back with a new issue after their tithed year. My poem “Village Woman” opens the Winter 2016 issue. I’m very happy and proud to be in this wonderful magazine along with so many fantastic poets. Some favourites from the issue include Shawna Lenore Kastin’s The Ice Maiden, Toby MacNutt’s Amber and Ash,…

  • Sunday recs: Rose Lemberg’s Birdverse

    Rose Lemberg is a wonderful writer (and editor! but I’m concentrating on her writing here). I’ve recced many things by her in the past too: she writes beautiful poetry full of word-magic, for instance. But today, I want to highlight two stories from Rose that I’ve recently read and loved. These are both set in…

  • Sunday recs: strange bees

    The smallest of recs but an utterly gorgeous one — a tiny story that I just read on Strange Horizons: Telling the Bees by T. Kingfisher. Poetic, strange and utterly wonderful. Such a short read that you’ve no excuse not to feast on its juicy word-goodness right away!

  • 2015 award eligibility post

    My impostor syndrome is telling me not to post this but nyaaahh, brain, I’m posting it anyway, so there. Even though my face is all aflame with embarrassment (or that might just be the cold I’m currently nursing). So! To the best of my knowledge, the following works are eligible for awards: Poetry: short poem…

  • 2015 in review

    Last day of the year; I’m still going to do some writing (on an ooold tale that I just can’t bear to abandon yet); then off to a New Year’s thing if I have the energy. Anyway, time for my now-traditional writing-related year in review thing. My writing goals for 2015 (from this post): Get…

  • “Storm-yarn” in issue 9 of inkscrawl!

    The newest issue of inkscrawl is up – and with it, my poem “Storm-yarn”. I’m really looking forward to reading the other poems in this issue – guest editor Bogi Takács has got together some really exciting poets! And a nice big issue. Yesss. I wrote “Storm-yarn” in August specifically for the submission call for…

  • Sunday recs: Stories + novels

    Sunday recs! Featuring three delightful short stories, and two excellent novels. Tomorrow When We See the Sun by A. Merc Rustad (in Lightspeed) – a weird and cool space opera. A dark atmosphere but so beautiful. Merc’s worldbuilding is great, and I especially love how they use language. Poetic writing in prose <3 And the…

  • Finnish story “Vierain silmin” in Usva!

    I just noticed that the Finnish ezine Usva has published its folklore issue, which includes my story “Vierain silmin” (‘With Strange Eyes’). You can read the whole issue here – well, if you can read Finnish, that is. (I recommend downloading the PDF – it’s got pretty pictures and the text is formatted more nicely.)…

  • Poetry sale to Polu Texni

    I’ve sold a poem to Polu Texni – “Witch’s Lens”, due to appear around the Spring Equinox next year. Yay! I’ve been lax with posting lately, alas, for the busyness has continued. I haven’t been writing as much after Nanowrimo, which is sad, but I have been tinkering a bit with my poetry collection. I…

  • Nanowrimo epic win!

    No Sunday recs today – I’m too wiped out by a) finishing up a (not great) draft of an academic article in the morning, and b) writing around 5,000 words of my novel and thus WINNING NANOWRIMO YAAAY. This counts as an epic win because not only did I get over 50k, I wrapped up…