Category: finnish

  • My Worldcon drabble(s)

    It’s around a month since Worldcon (what! how is it only a month; a gazillion things have happened since then…), so this is probably a good time to post the drabble I shared at the “Why Do Finns Love Their Drabbles” panel on Sunday 13 August. I wrote a drabble in English, and then, out…

  • My Worldcon schedule!

    I can’t believe Worldcon75 is starting tomorrow! So much excitement! I am already primed and ready for Worldcon, mostly because I spent the past few days in Uppsala at Reception Histories of the Future: A conference on Byzantinisms, speculative fiction, and the literary heritage of medieval empire. I will probably write another post on the…

  • Story news! “Don’t Look a Wish Horse in the Mouth”

    My weird Helsinki story “Don’t Look a Wish Horse in the Mouth” will appear in Cosmos Pen, the English-language special issue of the Finnish SFF magazine Kosmoskynä. The issue is going to appear around Worldcon. \o/ I’m so happy to have found this story a home. It’s received positive feedback from a few venues but…

  • Finnish story “Vierain silmin” in Usva!

    I just noticed that the Finnish ezine Usva has published its folklore issue, which includes my story “Vierain silmin” (‘With Strange Eyes’). You can read the whole issue here – well, if you can read Finnish, that is. (I recommend downloading the PDF – it’s got pretty pictures and the text is formatted more nicely.)…

  • Finnish story coming up!

    My Finnish speculative short story “Uusin silmin” (rough translation: “With New Eyes”) will be published in the Finnish specfic ezine Usva. Part of this weekend will be spent working on the small edits requested. Yaaay! So happy to have another story coming out in my other writing-language. Incidentally, Usva’s current issue is a special English-language…

  • Writing music, writing dance

    Do you have things that you constantly try to capture in writing, but only rarely succeed, and if so, only partially? I have several – well, everyone probably does – but the two that I struggle the most to capture are music and dance. I’m deeply into the contemporary Finnish folk music and dance scene;…

  • “Munankuorikehto” out in Spin magazine

    My Finnish-language flash fiction piece about fairies, “Munankuorikehto” (‘Egg-Shell Cradle’), is out in the Turku Science Fiction Society’s magazine Spin! Huzzah! Here is the link to the issue itself (in Finnish). It came out a couple of weeks ago already, but I was unaware of the fact because I haven’t received my contributor’s copy yet.…

  • Goblin Fruit: Summer Is Dead

    Huzzah! New Goblin Fruit! The newest issue, “Summer Is Dead”, is now available for your reading pleasure. In it – amongst the other poems which I can’t wait to read (including work by Shweta Narayan, Mari Ness and C.S.E. Cooney!) – is my poem ‘Sorrow-stone’. This poem has a clear source of inspiration, for once.…

  • Stone Telling 11 is live!

    Stone Telling 11 is up – and it looks utterly awesome. I am so excited to get to read the other poems in the issue! And I’m very pleased that my poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ is in such good company and in such a wonderful magazine. I’ve been following ST for quite…

  • Poetry sale to Stone Telling

    My poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ will be published in a “new poets” issue of Stone Telling. Huzzah! I’ve admired Stone Telling’s thoughtfully compiled and beautiful issues for a long time, so I’m thrilled to be part of this future issue. I’m also very glad that ‘Kuura’ has found a home; it’s part…