Category: publication
Poetry sale: Two poems in Chantarelle’s Notebook
My poems ‘Ninety-Eight’ and ‘City of Stones’ will be appearing in Issue #33 of Chantarelle’s Notebook – yay! ‘Ninety-Eight’ is a companion piece of sorts to ‘Microhistory’. It’s about family history too, specifically my late grandfather (on my dad’s side). ‘City of Stones’ is one of several poems inspired by my walks in my local…
Poetry publication: Two poems in Snakeskin
Two of my poems are now online in the December issue of Snakeskin: ‘Microhistory’ and ‘Rain-washed’. Both of these were written last summer. ‘Rain-washed’ happened after a glorious thunderstorm. I always have to rush out to get drenched at least once a summer – there’s something wonderful about getting completely wet when the air is…
Poetry sale: Wild Violet Magazine
I’m happy to announce that my poem ‘Helsinki Love Song’ has been accepted for publication in Wild Violet. I’ll post a link when the poem is published! It was great to get some good poetry news, because I’ve been bogged down with work and an insidious stress that chooses, at inopportune moments, to make everything…
Interfictions #2 is out! Including my most personal piece so far…
This wasn’t intended to be a two-post day, but I just checked the Interfictions webpage and noticed that Issue #2 is up! Thus, I am extremely proud and happy to say that you can now read my piece ‘Orthography: A Personal History’ here. You can also listen to me read it – God, it was…
‘Bitter Mnemosyne’ available online!
Tonight, after my work day followed by two hours of volunteer work for a folk music organisation whose board I’m in, I’ve been doing poetry stuff. Submitted a few poems; edited a poem from February that I came across in my notebook; decided to read that and another short poem at tomorrow’s writers’ group meeting.…
Poetry sale: Interfictions
I’m extremely happy to announce that my piece ‘Orthography: A Personal History’ will be published in Interfictions. It’s really exciting to be part of a new, intriguing publication like Interfictions. And I’m so pleased my piece found a home! I call it a poetry sale, although really – true to the spirit of Interfictions –…
Oh – in my previous post I totally forgot to say that you should definitely read all the other poems in the current issue of Through the Gate as well as mine! The other poems are by Bogi Takács, Rose Lemberg, Mari Ness and Sonya Taaffe, and they’re gorgeous pieces every one of them. I’m…
Two things: Through the Gate and Niteblade
My two forthcoming poems have now forthcome! ‘Boat-husk’ is available now in issue 4 of Through the Gate. Read it here. ‘Boat-husk’ is part of my worldbuilding-through-writing experiment: before I start to write a novel set in this forest world, I’m writing poems and short(ish) stories set in it, to get a feel for the…
‘The Understanding’ out in Plunge Magazine
My poem ‘The Understanding’ is online in the second issue of Plunge Magazine, a zine publishing “quality genre literature, poetry, and essays about queer women” (as declared on their About page). Read ‘The Understanding’ here! It’s what I call a “secondary-world manuscript edition”. This one’s a translation/edition of a Middle Argental chassiolet, written by a…