Tag: an alphabet of embers

  • Alphabet of Embers contributor copy

    I’ve been quiet on the blog front, but for a pretty good reason, I think: all through August, I’ve been hard at work revising my novel. I’ll post more on that later, but for now, a bit of squee! Last week I received my contributor copy of An Alphabet of Embers. My reaction: It is…

  • An Alphabet of Embers is out!

    An Alphabet of Embers is now out in print form! Yaaay! I’ve read AoE as an e-ARC, and while I am obviously biased, I’m also just stunned by how awesome this anthology is. The wonderful Rose Lemberg and the editorial team have done such a great job in arranging these strange tales, like a variety…

  • Alphabet of Embers review

    An Alphabet of Embers launches this week, at the Nebula Awards! And here’s a lovely review of it, in which the reviewer Christina lists my story “The City Beneath the Sea” among those they particularly appreciated: “Embers maintains a consistent and cohesive feel throughout: it stories are literary and poetic, with a fluidity of style…

  • An Alphabet of Embers update!

    Aaasdgjhsdg I got my pre-release contributor ebook copy of Alphabet of Embers (ed. by Rose Lemberg)! The official print and ebook launch will be on the Nebula awards weekend, 12-15 May. The book has a Goodreads page already! I just. Incoherence and happiness, right now. I reread my story (it’s in an actual book! along…

  • An Alphabet of Embers cover reveal!

    Squee! Cover reveal day for An Alphabet of Embers, an anthology of unclassifiables, edited by Rose Lemberg and including a story by yours truly! Look at the pretty! And here is Sofia Samatar’s blurb for the book: “An Alphabet of Embers pulses with passionate lyricism. These tales burn, rage, comfort, and light the night. Each…

  • An Alphabet of Embers ToC!

    Rose Lemberg, the editor of the forthcoming anthology An Alphabet of Embers (which includes my story “The City Beneath the Sea”), has posted the full ToC on her website: check it out! I can’t overstate how excited I am by this project! I’m really looking forward to reading the other contributions when the anthology comes…

  • Story sale to An Alphabet of Embers

    I’m delighted to announce that my story ‘The City Beneath the Sea’ will be appearing in the anthology An Alphabet of Embers, edited by Rose Lemberg and published by Stone Bird Press. I am so happy to be involved with something this awesome. An Alphabet of Embers sounds like it’s going to be utterly beautiful:…