An Alphabet of Embers ToC!

Rose Lemberg, the editor of the forthcoming anthology An Alphabet of Embers (which includes my story “The City Beneath the Sea”), has posted the full ToC on her website: check it out!

I can’t overstate how excited I am by this project! I’m really looking forward to reading the other contributions when the anthology comes out. And, of course, it’s totally awesome that this was my first pro fiction sale.


  1. Congratulations, Sara! Rose is an excellent judge of work and a talented editor. I’m so glad your story is in her hands. (Also, 2014 was kind of an awesome year for your writing, wasn’t it?)

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! I’m really happy to be in an anthology edited by Rose – she was so great to work with when I had a poem published in Stone Telling.

      2014 definitely turned out to be a really awesome year writing-wise! I’m so happy I’ve broken into the fiction side as well as poetry.

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