Tag: recs

  • Sunday recs

    I’ve had a flu for the past eight days and it doesn’t seem to be going away. I think it’s going and then… back it comes, mostly in the form of a sore throat. So, I haven’t had any extra energy to spare. I’ve tried to keep up with PhD work, but creativity has been…

  • Easter recs

    Other people have written wiser words than me on the Hugo debacle, so I’ll leave that for now (suffice it to say I’m disgusted; here’s a pretty good summary of it). Instead, let’s escape into beautiful words! Three poems for this Easter Sunday: “Seeds” by M Sereno (in Strange Horizons): Oh, this poem calls to…

  • Sunday recs

    I probably should’ve spent this evening recovering from a busy three-day medieval studies conference and a day of active exploring. Instead, I submitted poetry to quite a few places. Not very restful, but useful – I’ve been lax with submitting poetry, or anything really, the past month. * My recs for tonight: Myrrha by Mari…

  • Sunday recs: Fairytales

    Three fairytale-tinged recs for you tonight. First, two tales from Daily Science Fiction, new takes on traditional tales, from points of view forgotten in the originals: Beans and Lies by Mari Ness: an incisive super-short piece with a proper punch at the end. Toadwords by Nathaniel Lee: a tale that really made me think about…

  • Drive-by Sunday recs

    It’s technically not Sunday any more here, but I haven’t gone to bed yet, so this totally counts. Three poems I’ve loved lately: Entwined ‘Neath Stars and Empty Suns by Merc Rustad (in Liminality): A romantic, visionary space opera. Great stuff. I want more space opera poetry! Red Daughter by Alena Sullivan (in Goblin Fruit):…

  • Sunday recs: owls, fragments, pockets

    Just wrote a ~3,000-word story in two hours, yay! With some editing, I think this will be fine for submitting to Lightspeed’s Queers Destroy Science Fiction! special issue. It’s been so long since I came up with a story idea and actually wrote it in this short a time – I got the idea last…

  • Sunday recs: I aten’t dead

    January went by in a bit of a rush – I’ve completely neglected to post even any Sunday recs. Turned out that the start of the year included tons of PhD work and other busyness, so I’ve been off the writing radar a bit. I’m getting the itch again, though: even though I’m currently still…

  • Sunday recs: Three stories and a novel

    Hi, this is me procrastinating! Soon, soon I will go and finish the zero draft of a story that’s been unreasonably hard to write considering that I know how it ends and all… Anyway, here’s three stories I read sometime late last year and enjoyed: Collector’s Item by Daniel McPherson (in Daily Science Fiction): a…

  • Sunday recs: The Dishonesty of Dreams

    Today’s reading recommendation is a poetry collection: The Dishonesty of Dreams by Adrienne J. Odasso. I’ve been reading Adrienne’s poetry for a long time; I really admire her work so I’d love for other people to find her stuff, too. Here’s my review of The Dishonesty of Dreams (copied from Amazon.com): The Dishonesty of Dreams…

  • Sunday recs: Long time no rec

    Sooo it’s been quite a while since I last posted any Sunday recs. I’ll try to get back into the game again – I’ve been reading lots, as always, but have neglected to recommend my favourites. Here’s a few poems I’ve enjoyed over the past few weeks: “The Glass Men” by Alexandra Seidel (in Ideomancer).…