Tag: revision

  • Recharging

    Long time no post. It’s been a ridiculously busy year so far, and sadly, due to the mountain of work, I haven’t been writing nearly as much as I’d like. I joined Camp Nanowrimo with the intent to get lots of my novel revised, but alas, I’ve had to conserve energy for self-care and such.…

  • Finnish story coming up!

    My Finnish speculative short story “Uusin silmin” (rough translation: “With New Eyes”) will be published in the Finnish specfic ezine Usva. Part of this weekend will be spent working on the small edits requested. Yaaay! So happy to have another story coming out in my other writing-language. Incidentally, Usva’s current issue is a special English-language…

  • Sunday recs

    Here are three stories I’ve read and enjoyed recently: Selkie Stories Are for Losers, by Sofia Samatar: a gorgeous contemporary take on selkies. The Flying Woman, by Meghan McCarron: a delightful atmosphere, an aching and haunting story. And Their Lips Rang with the Sun, by Amal El-Mohtar: a lovely, poetic piece, strange in a good…