Tag: strange horizons

  • Sunday recs: Three stories and a novel

    Hi, this is me procrastinating! Soon, soon I will go and finish the zero draft of a story that’s been unreasonably hard to write considering that I know how it ends and all… Anyway, here’s three stories I read sometime late last year and enjoyed: Collector’s Item by Daniel McPherson (in Daily Science Fiction): a…

  • “Raw Honey” in the SH poetry podcast

    Merry Christmas/Winter Holiday of Your Choice, all! I’ve had a lovely two days of delicious food and family hangout, and am now nudging myself into the writing groove again. I have a first draft of a story to write… While I was engaged in Christmas preparations, Strange Horizons released the podcast of December’s poetry. Listen…

  • “Raw Honey” in Strange Horizons

    My poem “Raw Honey” is up in the latest issue of Strange Horizons. Yay! I’m so happy to be part of such a wonderful magazine, and for the second time too. Read the poem here! I’m well pleased with this poem. In my mind it’s set in the same world as my previous SH poem…

  • Strange Horizons Fund Drive 2014

    Long time no blog! I’ve had an amazing although exhausting time of it lately, what with a trip to the UK to look at medieval manuscripts, plus two conference things. I was totally exhausted when I came home today, but then I ended up submitting several stories and poems anyway… Relaxation, so hard sometimes. Anyway!…

  • Sunday recs: Happy-making stuff

    It’s still Sunday even though it’s past midnight, since I haven’t gone to bed yet, right? Here’s three recs that I hope will make you feel as fuzzy inside as they made me: Turnover by Jo Walton (at Lightspeed Magazine): beautiful, optimistic SF set in a spaceship called Speranza (the name isn’t subtle and I…

  • Poetry sale to Strange Horizons

    Seems that this week is all about publication news… My poem ‘Raw Honey’ will be appearing in Strange Horizons! I’m extremely happy to see this poem find a home. It’s a mythic bedtime tale in poem form, written a couple of years ago. There’s something similar in the atmosphere of ‘Raw Honey’ to the other…

  • (Kinda) Sunday recs

    It’s past midnight but I’m still calling this Sunday recs because I haven’t gone to bed yet. Days, this is how they work. I’ve been good and gone to sleep before 1am for the past couple of nights, but it’s not going to happen today. But for a good reason: I’ve spent six hours editing…

  • Sunday recs: Two poems, two stories

    Long time no Sunday recs. In my defence, the past month or so was intensively filled by doing PhD applications. Last weekend was my first in ages when I was free to do non-academia stuff, so I shamefully neglected my blog. But now! Rec time! First let’s have an invocation to The God of Lost…

  • Sunday recs: Mundanity, elephants, opera and a coffee shop

    This week’s Sunday Recs presents four very different stories – all of them awesome. (Well, duh, otherwise I’d hardly be recommending that you read them!) Relentlessly Mundane by Jo Walton. This was published in Strange Horizons 14 years ago, but I only just found it while looking for, like, everything that Jo Walton has written…

  • Sunday recs: Two SF stories

    I’ve been reading some pretty awesome SF stories lately. Here are two favourites from Strange Horizons: The Serial Killer’s Astronaut Daughter by Damien Angelica Walters. This near-future (I assume!) story set in a space station orbiting Earth treads the borderline of speculative and mainstream pretty neatly. Also, Aliens references FTW. 🙂 The Long Road to…