Tag: writing

  • Story sale to Strange Horizons

    I’m delighted to announce that I’ve sold a story to Strange Horizons: “Water, Birch, and Blood” will be appearing in SH’s special issue Our Queer Planet. “Water, Birch, and Blood” is about family, memory, and loss; it’s got echoes of my own memories in it, through the setting (a Finnish summer cabin). I can’t wait…

  • Story sale to Flash Fiction Online

    Sooo this was official already last week and I squeed about it on Twitter but did not have time to post here: I’ve sold a story to Flash Fiction Online! My faerie story “Creation” will be out this summer. This is my second pro fiction sale – the first was to An Alphabet of Embers.…

  • Recharging

    Long time no post. It’s been a ridiculously busy year so far, and sadly, due to the mountain of work, I haven’t been writing nearly as much as I’d like. I joined Camp Nanowrimo with the intent to get lots of my novel revised, but alas, I’ve had to conserve energy for self-care and such.…

  • An Alphabet of Embers update!

    Aaasdgjhsdg I got my pre-release contributor ebook copy of Alphabet of Embers (ed. by Rose Lemberg)! The official print and ebook launch will be on the Nebula awards weekend, 12-15 May. The book has a Goodreads page already! I just. Incoherence and happiness, right now. I reread my story (it’s in an actual book! along…

  • 2015 in review

    Last day of the year; I’m still going to do some writing (on an ooold tale that I just can’t bear to abandon yet); then off to a New Year’s thing if I have the energy. Anyway, time for my now-traditional writing-related year in review thing. My writing goals for 2015 (from this post): Get…

  • “Storm-yarn” in issue 9 of inkscrawl!

    The newest issue of inkscrawl is up – and with it, my poem “Storm-yarn”. I’m really looking forward to reading the other poems in this issue – guest editor Bogi Takács has got together some really exciting poets! And a nice big issue. Yesss. I wrote “Storm-yarn” in August specifically for the submission call for…

  • Finnish story “Vierain silmin” in Usva!

    I just noticed that the Finnish ezine Usva has published its folklore issue, which includes my story “Vierain silmin” (‘With Strange Eyes’). You can read the whole issue here – well, if you can read Finnish, that is. (I recommend downloading the PDF – it’s got pretty pictures and the text is formatted more nicely.)…

  • Nanowrimo epic win!

    No Sunday recs today – I’m too wiped out by a) finishing up a (not great) draft of an academic article in the morning, and b) writing around 5,000 words of my novel and thus WINNING NANOWRIMO YAAAY. This counts as an epic win because not only did I get over 50k, I wrapped up…

  • An Alphabet of Embers cover reveal!

    Squee! Cover reveal day for An Alphabet of Embers, an anthology of unclassifiables, edited by Rose Lemberg and including a story by yours truly! Look at the pretty! And here is Sofia Samatar’s blurb for the book: “An Alphabet of Embers pulses with passionate lyricism. These tales burn, rage, comfort, and light the night. Each…

  • Nanowrimo time!

    Sooo it’s 1 November, and obviously that means NANOWRIMO. I’m swamped with PhD and translation/language check work, but despite that, I’m doing Nano again. Since 2008, I’ve only not done it for one year (2013), so I guess I’m a bit hooked. 😀 Nano is just a great way to get a writing project done…