Author: Sara Norja
Poem sale to Goblin Fruit
Some lovely news I’ve quite forgotten to share – my poem “Village Woman” is going to appear in the Winter 2015 issue of Goblin Fruit! So happy to get that poem out, and to be included in GF again. I lovelovelove that magazine.
Poem up in The Stare’s Nest
My poem “The World in Springtime” is now up in The Stare’s Nest. Yay! Here is the direct link to the poem. It’s still not very spring-like here – it’s rainy and grey today. I wrote this poem in late April 2013, though, so there’s always hope that in about three weeks’ time even Finland…
Easter recs
Other people have written wiser words than me on the Hugo debacle, so I’ll leave that for now (suffice it to say I’m disgusted; here’s a pretty good summary of it). Instead, let’s escape into beautiful words! Three poems for this Easter Sunday: “Seeds” by M Sereno (in Strange Horizons): Oh, this poem calls to…
Three short poems in Snakeskin!
Three of my poems are included in April’s Short Poems issue of Snakeskin: Read “Pomeranian”, “Lauttasaari Bridge”, and “Human Nature” here! “Pomeranian” is part of a silly series of dog poems I’ve been writing occasionally, with an emphasis on cuteness and word-play. I really like other people’s dogs (would not have the time or inclination…
Poem to appear in The Stare’s Nest
My poem “The World in Springtime” will appear in The Stare’s Nest in about a week’s time! Huzzah! Springtime seems very far away in Finland right now, though. We had horrendous sleety weather yesterday (which I biked through heroically); today it’s grey and rainy, and I’ve got a sore throat and a cold. Siiiigh. Come…
Tweet tweet: @suchwanderings
Aaand a wee announcement: I am finally on Twitter now as suchwanderings. I’ve procrastinated over getting a Twitter account for well over a year because I’ve been afraid it’ll swallow up all my time… but the writing conversations over there are so interesting, and it seems like a great way to keep up with all…
Spec poetry article at Bookslut
Bookslut has an article on speculative poetry by Sessily Watt, featuring a review of Stone Telling 11. (The existence of this piece was kindly pointed out to me by Carrie Naughton. Thanks, Carrie!) I was pretty much over the moon when I saw that the article includes a discussion of my poem “Kuura (extract from…
“Palimpsest” in March issue of Snakeskin
Nice poetry news for this grey Monday: my poem “Palimpsest” is in the March issue of Snakeskin. Read it here! I wrote “Palimpsest” in August 2013, during a poem-a-day week (which I enjoy doing occasionally, especially with my friend Kat). I do love comparing textual/manuscript things to emotions and such intangible things.