Tag: stone telling

  • Sunday recs: poetry from the classroom

    I’m teaching a literature tutorial this spring, and in our final class on poetry, I made my students read some speculative poetry. I wanted them to see that poetry can involve any genre, and be more than just the classic (and wonderful!) stuff we’ve been reading. So here are the poems from newer writers that…

  • Stone Telling 11 is live!

    Stone Telling 11 is up – and it looks utterly awesome. I am so excited to get to read the other poems in the issue! And I’m very pleased that my poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ is in such good company and in such a wonderful magazine. I’ve been following ST for quite…

  • Contents of Stone Telling 11

    Rose Lemberg has announced the contents of Stone Telling 11 (the issue that I’ve got a poem in). Yay! Check it out! I’m really looking forward to getting to read the other poems. There’s some amazing cover art too, as usual for ST. Love the warm yellow tone.

  • Poetry sale to Stone Telling

    My poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ will be published in a “new poets” issue of Stone Telling. Huzzah! I’ve admired Stone Telling’s thoughtfully compiled and beautiful issues for a long time, so I’m thrilled to be part of this future issue. I’m also very glad that ‘Kuura’ has found a home; it’s part…

  • Sunday recs: Two poems, two stories

    Long time no Sunday recs. In my defence, the past month or so was intensively filled by doing PhD applications. Last weekend was my first in ages when I was free to do non-academia stuff, so I shamefully neglected my blog. But now! Rec time! First let’s have an invocation to The God of Lost…

  • Sunday recs: Speculative prose and two issues’-worth of poetry

    I was thinking of posting a rant about how difficult writing fiction in Finnish is for me (I was attempting such a thing last night), but I think I’ll go for Sunday recs instead. How my bilingualism comes across in my writing is a topic I want to write a more thoughtful post on. So,…

  • Sunday recs: Poetry for a frosty evening

    I’m drinking rooibos tea, all cosied up in a self-knitted shawl and wrist warmers. Mmm, knitted things. I discovered some poem links I’ve been meaning to share for ages, so here’s a few brilliant poems to brighten your Sunday evening: Foam, Braided with Teeth by Michele Bannister over at Stone Telling. I love Bannister’s poems…

  • A fall and some recs

    It’s been rollercoaster weather here, the sun melting the snow, temperatures rising – and then shifting back to winter, the frost snapping its fingers. Last night, 15cm of snow, snow so thick in the air that it looked like a deep fog. I edited 6-ish pages of novelette yesterday, but apart from that it’s been…

  • Sunday recs: sf/f poetry and discussion

    I was down with the flu most of last week, so I’ve been too tired and braindead to work on any of my writing projects. Sad. Hopefully the coming week will be better in that respect! I should post here more than just for Sunday recs. But on weekdays, after work + writing/socialising/dance class/insert other…