Tag: writing
Poetry sale: Wild Violet Magazine
I’m happy to announce that my poem ‘Helsinki Love Song’ has been accepted for publication in Wild Violet. I’ll post a link when the poem is published! It was great to get some good poetry news, because I’ve been bogged down with work and an insidious stress that chooses, at inopportune moments, to make everything…
Nanowrimo: This feels different
It’s really weird not to be writing a feverish 50K this November. But I still think it’s a good decision to forgo a new zero draft this year – there’s so much work to do with Dim Vanities. Also, I’ve had a bit of a cold and am insanely tired, so yeah. Being merciful to…
Interfictions #2 is out! Including my most personal piece so far…
This wasn’t intended to be a two-post day, but I just checked the Interfictions webpage and noticed that Issue #2 is up! Thus, I am extremely proud and happy to say that you can now read my piece ‘Orthography: A Personal History’ here. You can also listen to me read it – God, it was…
Nanowrimo: Preparing for the editing process
Firstly, let’s reveal the working title of the novel I’ll be editing this Nanowrimo: Dim Vanities. The name is from Edgar Allan Poe’s poem ‘Tamerlane’: Dim, vanities of dreams by night — And dimmer nothings which were real — (Shadows — and a more shadowy light!) Dim Vanities is the name I randomly came up…
Today I wrote a poem for the first time since mid-September. It was inspired by the manuscripts & codicology course that I’m on right now: two days of getting back into the groove of manuscript studies. I’m so glad I was allowed leave from work. History is a precious thing and being around medieval stuff…
Knights and snails
I had a glass of white wine with my dinner (mushroom burger, very tasty), and I feel ridiculously fuzzy now. I’m going to post nonetheless, dammit, because I’ve been meaning to ever since I came across this link in my RSS reader: Knight v Snail, from the British Library medieval manuscripts blog. I think this…
Humbling experiences
A wonderful thing: when you finish reading a poem intended to be funny, and the whole room bursts out into loud, genuine laughter. At my writers’ group meeting today I read that poem I edited yesterday (it’s about a demon bus driver… in a way). It was intended to be a funny piece – but…
‘Bitter Mnemosyne’ available online!
Tonight, after my work day followed by two hours of volunteer work for a folk music organisation whose board I’m in, I’ve been doing poetry stuff. Submitted a few poems; edited a poem from February that I came across in my notebook; decided to read that and another short poem at tomorrow’s writers’ group meeting.…