Author: Sara Norja

  • Story sale to An Alphabet of Embers

    I’m delighted to announce that my story ‘The City Beneath the Sea’ will be appearing in the anthology An Alphabet of Embers, edited by Rose Lemberg and published by Stone Bird Press. I am so happy to be involved with something this awesome. An Alphabet of Embers sounds like it’s going to be utterly beautiful:…

  • Goblin Fruit: Summer Is Dead

    Huzzah! New Goblin Fruit! The newest issue, “Summer Is Dead”, is now available for your reading pleasure. In it – amongst the other poems which I can’t wait to read (including work by Shweta Narayan, Mari Ness and C.S.E. Cooney!) – is my poem ‘Sorrow-stone’. This poem has a clear source of inspiration, for once.…

  • Nanowrimo, Day 9

    Word count: 14,709/50,000 Beverages enjoyed: Delicious Tanzanian black tea, from a proper teacup with a saucer and everything. Feeling: Drained. SO DRAINED. But also rather deliriously happy. During the past week, I’ve been struggling with word count and having energy to write. I’ve just been so busy with work that I haven’t had energy/time to…

  • Stone Telling 11 is live!

    Stone Telling 11 is up – and it looks utterly awesome. I am so excited to get to read the other poems in the issue! And I’m very pleased that my poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ is in such good company and in such a wonderful magazine. I’ve been following ST for quite…

  • Short story publication: Chrysopoeia

    Be still, my heart! Quantum Fairy Tales has published my short story ‘Chrysopoeia’! This is officially my first story publication of more than 600 words, so I’m super excited. Read it here. A wee snippet from the middle: When his alarm clock rang, Simon snapped awake with the word chrysopoeia running through his mind like…

  • Nanowrimo 2014 is go!

    November is here, and Nanowrimo with it! Huzzah! This year, I was going to have an Outline. A proper outline, with the main plotlines all neat and organised, and the major incidents all plotted out. Aww, self, so optimistic. Well, suffice it to say that as a) I am more of a pantser than a…

  • Strange Horizons Fund Drive 2014

    Long time no blog! I’ve had an amazing although exhausting time of it lately, what with a trip to the UK to look at medieval manuscripts, plus two conference things. I was totally exhausted when I came home today, but then I ended up submitting several stories and poems anyway… Relaxation, so hard sometimes. Anyway!…

  • Sunday recs: Two stories from DSF

    My PhD studies have kept me busy, but I’ve still made time for reading and writing fiction, too. For what is life without writing and reading? No, seriously, I don’t quite understand people who don’t read for fun. It’s just SO AWESOME. Anyway, here’s two short stories that I’ve enjoyed during the past week, both…

  • Sunday recs: Fairytale, memory loss, alien chess

    Three awesome stories for you this Sunday. How the Milkmaid Struck a Bargain With the Crooked One by C.S.E. Cooney (in Giganotosaurus). Gaaaah, this story made me have all the feelings. It’s long, but it’s SO worth it – what a treat to sink into a world like this. (Incidentally, it’s a sequel of sorts…

  • Sunday recs: Strange stuff

    Three strange stories for you this Sunday. Seven Commentaries on an Imperfect Land by Ruthanna Emrys (at A haunting, weird story about a magic land that exists in the interstices of life, and the people who live in it. Gorgeous illustrations too. Speaking to Skull Kings by Emily B. Cataneo (at Betwixt Magazine). The…