Category: promotion

  • My Worldcon schedule!

    I can’t believe Worldcon75 is starting tomorrow! So much excitement! I am already primed and ready for Worldcon, mostly because I spent the past few days in Uppsala at Reception Histories of the Future: A conference on Byzantinisms, speculative fiction, and the literary heritage of medieval empire. I will probably write another post on the…

  • Cosmos Pen and Sunvault!

    I got my copy of Cosmos Pen: A Travel Guide to Finnish Weird today! Yaaay! The issue looks fantastic and I’m looking forward to reading all of it. So, this special issue of the Finnish SFF magazine Kosmoskynรค (which translates to Cosmos Pen) includes my story “Don’t Look a Wish Horse in the Mouth”. As…

  • Sunday recs: Just faerie things (and Uncanny)

    I promised Sunday recs, and then I went away and did other things and forgot about it till I was about to go to bed. It’s past midnight here now, but it’s still Sunday somewhere in the world! And there’s always time for recs. ๐Ÿ™‚ The Woman Sings Her Marriage Into Being by Lev Mirov…

  • Award eligibility post (works published in 2014)

    Firstly: this feels so weird. Award eligibility is for real writers, right? Not me? No, shut up, evil!brain. (This post by Amal El-Mohtar is very relevant…) Anyway, I have done my research and to the best of my knowledge, it appears that the following works are eligible for awards (for 2014): Poetry (eligible for the…

  • An Alphabet of Embers ToC!

    Rose Lemberg, the editor of the forthcoming anthology An Alphabet of Embers (which includes my story “The City Beneath the Sea”), has posted the full ToC on her website: check it out! I can’t overstate how excited I am by this project! I’m really looking forward to reading the other contributions when the anthology comes…

  • Strange Horizons Fund Drive 2014

    Long time no blog! I’ve had an amazing although exhausting time of it lately, what with a trip to the UK to look at medieval manuscripts, plus two conference things. I was totally exhausted when I came home today, but then I ended up submitting several stories and poems anyway… Relaxation, so hard sometimes. Anyway!…

  • Contents of Stone Telling 11

    Rose Lemberg has announced the contents of Stone Telling 11 (the issue that I’ve got a poem in). Yay! Check it out! I’m really looking forward to getting to read the other poems. There’s some amazing cover art too, as usual for ST. Love the warm yellow tone.

  • Interfictions Online Indiegogo campaign

    Just noticed that the wonderful Interfictions Online (to be more precise, the Interstitial Arts Foundation) is running a fundraiser. There’s still time to donate to enable the worthy stretch goals – the campaign page is here. Go forth and donate if you can, to help contribute to fascinating art and writing that live in the…

  • Poetry World Cup 2014

    The Missing Slate is organising a Poetry World Cup! The competition involves 32 poems by poets representing 32 different countries. All of the poems have been previously published in the magazine. There’s a poetry match every day till July 13th, and you can help pick the winner each day by voting on the website. The…

  • Niteblade #28 is now online!

    Niteblade #28 is online here – titled after my poem ๐Ÿ™‚ A snippet of my poem ‘Looking-Glass Lover’ is here. To get the whole issue free to read online, Niteblade relies on donations and purchases – so if you want to get the issue for everyone to read, consider buying yourself a super cheap .epub,…