Tag: huzzah

  • Story sale to Luna Station Quarterly

    My short story “The Ruin” will be appearing in the next issue of Luna Station Quarterly, on 1 March 2015. LSQ is dedicated to showcasing women writing speculative fiction, and I’m looking forward to being part of this lovely project. Huzzah! Pleasingly, this story is set in the same world as my Nanowrimo novel for…

  • Nanowrimo win!

    Huzzah – I just validated my Nanowrimo 2014 win. \o/ Time for a glass of wine! I clocked in at 50,262 words. I managed to actually get some sort of story arc in there, too. 😀 The final words were nothing amazing (few words in this zero draft were particularly amazing!), but I managed to…

  • Story sale to An Alphabet of Embers

    I’m delighted to announce that my story ‘The City Beneath the Sea’ will be appearing in the anthology An Alphabet of Embers, edited by Rose Lemberg and published by Stone Bird Press. I am so happy to be involved with something this awesome. An Alphabet of Embers sounds like it’s going to be utterly beautiful:…

  • Goblin Fruit: Summer Is Dead

    Huzzah! New Goblin Fruit! The newest issue, “Summer Is Dead”, is now available for your reading pleasure. In it – amongst the other poems which I can’t wait to read (including work by Shweta Narayan, Mari Ness and C.S.E. Cooney!) – is my poem ‘Sorrow-stone’. This poem has a clear source of inspiration, for once.…

  • Stone Telling 11 is live!

    Stone Telling 11 is up – and it looks utterly awesome. I am so excited to get to read the other poems in the issue! And I’m very pleased that my poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ is in such good company and in such a wonderful magazine. I’ve been following ST for quite…

  • Short story publication: Chrysopoeia

    Be still, my heart! Quantum Fairy Tales has published my short story ‘Chrysopoeia’! This is officially my first story publication of more than 600 words, so I’m super excited. Read it here. A wee snippet from the middle: When his alarm clock rang, Simon snapped awake with the word chrysopoeia running through his mind like…

  • Contents of Stone Telling 11

    Rose Lemberg has announced the contents of Stone Telling 11 (the issue that I’ve got a poem in). Yay! Check it out! I’m really looking forward to getting to read the other poems. There’s some amazing cover art too, as usual for ST. Love the warm yellow tone.

  • Poetry sale to Stone Telling

    My poem ‘Kuura (extract from a Finnish-English dictionary)’ will be published in a “new poets” issue of Stone Telling. Huzzah! I’ve admired Stone Telling’s thoughtfully compiled and beautiful issues for a long time, so I’m thrilled to be part of this future issue. I’m also very glad that ‘Kuura’ has found a home; it’s part…

  • Poetry sale to Strange Horizons

    Seems that this week is all about publication news… My poem ‘Raw Honey’ will be appearing in Strange Horizons! I’m extremely happy to see this poem find a home. It’s a mythic bedtime tale in poem form, written a couple of years ago. There’s something similar in the atmosphere of ‘Raw Honey’ to the other…

  • SF flash piece ‘Wind Chimes’ up at 365 tomorrows

    Well, then. Seems this week’s theme is flash fiction acceptances? My <500-word piece 'Wind Chimes' is now up at 365 tomorrows (a project that’s given readers a new piece of SF/speculative flash fiction every day since 2005). ‘Wind Chimes’ is the featured story for today so it’s on the front page (yay!), but the story…